Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Fugitive

In retrospect, I must have been a really weird kid. For many reasons, but right now I'm thinking of what kind of TV shows I was watching. Like, for instance, stupid game shows with large fan bases consisting of women aged fifty and up.

But first and foremost, I'm thinking of how while other kids watched poorly-written but "cool" action series, I watched stuff like The Fugitive. Yes, that's one of the all time great classics in television history, but to me at the time it was just an old show which I happened to like for some reason. I don't think any other 12 year olds I knew at the time would ever give a decades old TV series a chance – it was in black and white, dude!

Yesterday, the newly released Season 1 – Volume 1 DVD arrived in my mailbox. The fact that they split the season in half does suck, but I'm glad Paramount finally got around to releasing the series on DVD at all. So far I'm halfway through the 4-disc set, and I'm liking it. It's not quite as exciting as it was when I first watched it 15 or so years ago, but then again – this time I already know that Richard Kimble will find the one-armed man and get his name cleared by the final episode.

But it's still enjoyable, and it looks pretty good on DVD, for a 40+ year old TV series. And it's just plain fun to re-watch all the stuff I loved as a kid. Hmm, I wonder how well Saved by the Bell has held up…

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